Since 2010, we have advised on more MBO’s than any other advisor in the Irish market
Management Buy-Outs
We work with progressive management teams who want to acquire the business they operate. We work with them to set these businesses up to thrive in the dynamic culture that is created when managers become owners.
For a management team that wants to own the business that they run, there are a number of specific challenges that need to be managed and we have the experience to navigate you successfully through these obstacles.
We focus on managing the different stakeholders’ expectations and time frames, safeguarding the future of the business.
We work with you to secure funding by putting you in front of the right lenders and investors, who understand MBOs and the specific dynamics that apply to MBO’s. We work to maximise the management team’s economics in the deal whilst securing a sustainable long-term structure that enables the business to prosper.
We know that MBOs can take longer to deliver than other transactions, with ground work to be done well in advance of the deal. We stick by your side throughout the process and we take a long-term view which is critical in delivering success.